
On-Call/Bulky Item Collection Special Instructions Blue Line Transfer

Empty kegs can be collected through the On-Call/Bulky Item Collection or can be taken to Blue Line Transfer. Charges apply. Please consider other options first (see info below).

Return to Vendor

Return the keg to where it was originally purchased or rented. If you didn’t purchase or rent the keg, check to see if the keg is labeled with the company name. Call the company to see if they will take the keg back.

Bring to a Liquor Store

If the keg is unlabeled and you don’t know where it came from, check with liquor stores, breweries and other beer distributors in your area to see if they will take the keg. Many will be able to return it to its original distributor.

Check if Legal to Recycle with Scrap Metal

Many states have laws prohibiting the scrapping of kegs without proof of ownership such as a clear title presented by the owner named on the keg. If you can prove ownership, you may be able to recycle it with other scrap metal. Find out what to do with scrap metal. 

Mini-Kegs Are Recyclable

Steel or aluminum mini-kegs are recyclable. Make sure they are empty, then place them in your recycling. If your mini-keg is made from plastic, check the recycling triangle symbol for a number between 1 and 7 — its resin code — and follow our disposal guidelines for that type of plastic.


Ways to Reduce

Keep Your Receipts

When you buy kegs, keep track of your receipts so that they are easy to return.

Ways to Reuse

Sell or Give Away to a Homebrewer

Homebrewers are always looking for kegs. List your keg on a platform such as Nextdoor, Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace to find a new home for it.

Upcycle Your Keg

Metal kegs can be upcycled into many different objects. Check out these ideas from G4 Kegs or The Drinks Business to get started.

Did You Know?

Keg Theft

Most of the time, kegs are rented, not purchased. That means they remain as property of the brewery they were rented from, even if they are kept so long that renters lose their deposit. In 2011, lost kegs cost breweries between $5.3 million and $15.8 million. Because kegs are often stolen for their scrap metal value, scrap yards are on the lookout for stolen kegs.

The Fastest Way to Empty a Keg

Check out this article from eHow for step-by-step instructions on how to empty a keg as quickly as possible.